South Vietnam Soil Types

This map was created by digitizing a soil survey map drawn by F.R. Moormann and published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Vietnam, in 1961. The Moormann mapping was carried out under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This digitized map permits users to identify soil types by specific longitude and latitude and the data are incorporated into the Stellman Vietnam GIS.

What you can do on this page:

  • Enter a latitude/longitude pair to see information about the soil type at that location
Note: Coordinates must be in decimal format and have at least two decimal places
Color Description Color Description
Undifferentiated alluvial soils
Saline alluvial soils
Acid alluvial soils (acid sulphate soils)
Very acid alluvial soils (strongly acid sulphate soils)
Brown alluvial soils of the river levees
Regosols on white and yellow dune sand
Regosols on old red sand
Shallow regurs and latosols
Non-calcic brown soils on acid rocks; undulating to rolling topography
Non-calcic brown soils on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography
Sandy podzolic soils on acid rocks; plane to rolling topography
Red and yellow podzolic soils on acid rocks; plane to rolling topography
Red and yellow podzolic soils on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography
Gray podzolic soils on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography
Low humic gley soils on old alluvial sediments; plane topography
Podzolic soils and regurs on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography
Complex of podzolic soils on old alluvial sediments and alluvial soils; plane to undulating topography
Complex of mountainous soils
Reddish brown latosols on basalt; plane to rolling topography
Red and yellow latosols on basalt; undulating to rolling topography
Earthy red latosols on basalt; undulating to rolling topography
Shallow latosols on basalt; plane to undulating topography
Reddish brown latosols and red latosols on basalt; rolling topography
Reddish brown latosols and compact brown latosols on basalt; plane to rolling topography
Peat and muck soils