Color |
Description |
Color |
Description |
Undifferentiated alluvial soils | |
Saline alluvial soils |
Acid alluvial soils (acid sulphate soils) | |
Very acid alluvial soils (strongly acid sulphate soils) |
Brown alluvial soils of the river levees | |
Regosols on white and yellow dune sand |
Regosols on old red sand | |
Shallow regurs and latosols |
Non-calcic brown soils on acid rocks; undulating to rolling topography | |
Non-calcic brown soils on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography |
Sandy podzolic soils on acid rocks; plane to rolling topography | |
Red and yellow podzolic soils on acid rocks; plane to rolling topography |
Red and yellow podzolic soils on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography | |
Gray podzolic soils on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography |
Low humic gley soils on old alluvial sediments; plane topography | |
Podzolic soils and regurs on old alluvial sediments; plane to undulating topography |
Complex of podzolic soils on old alluvial sediments and alluvial soils; plane to undulating topography | |
Complex of mountainous soils |
Reddish brown latosols on basalt; plane to rolling topography | |
Red and yellow latosols on basalt; undulating to rolling topography |
Earthy red latosols on basalt; undulating to rolling topography | |
Shallow latosols on basalt; plane to undulating topography |
Reddish brown latosols and red latosols on basalt; rolling topography | |
Reddish brown latosols and compact brown latosols on basalt; plane to rolling topography |
Peat and muck soils |